DIY - Turning Old Pair of Jeans To A New Skirt

Here's my project over the weekend while cleaning up my wardrobe. I found this particular pair of jeans is already torn at crotch area.

How to Turn An Old Pair of Jeans to A New Skirt

Items Needed:
An old pair of JEANS
2 meters to 4 meters of LACE (You may use any fabric material. This is for lengthening the skirt)
A pair of sharp scissors
Tacking Needles
Sewing Needle
Thread Un-picker
Sewing Machine

  1. Place the JEANs flat on a flat surface. Decide the length you wanted for your skirt before cutting it.
  2. Unpick the stitches at crotch area to get a skirt.
  3. Place the unpicked JEANs on the flat surface again and trim the unwanted/uneven edges. Join the crotch center either by using a separate piece or just join the both sides together. (Do ensure that the skirt fits before you permanently join it.)
  4. Hem the edges of the skirt.
  5. Begin tacking the lengthening lace/fabric material of your choice. (You can choose either to pleat or not to depending on your choice.)
  6. After tacking, you may begin to sew on the laces. (You can either use hand sewn or machine.)
  7. You can stop at Step#6 if you wanted to or if you have reached your desired outcome. But I choose to add another layer. Repeat, Step#5 and Step#6 with an inch offset above the first layer.
An there you have it, a New SKIRT.
Jeans Skirt
