Drawing 001 - Pencils...Holding It Right

Pencils...Holding It Right

After reading through books and websites, there's not really a proper method to hold a pencil for sketching in summary. Found some names for the few that we are more familiar with. In this session, I spent around 10 minutes to go through the grips and practices.
Writing Grip

01 | The Writing Grip

How To:
  • Grip the pencil like you would in our normal writing.
  • You may rest the hands on pages if finer details is required. Use a spare sheet of paper to avoid drawing from smudges and oils from skin.
  • Pivot the hand using the wrist or elbows on the edge of drawing or table if bigger movements are required.
Ideal For:
  • Short detailed lines or small curves
  • Fine details and precision
  • Upright position of pencil allows a more accurate shading
Extended Writing Grip

02 | The Extended Writing Grip

How To:
  • Similar to the normal Writing Grip, only that it is farther up the pencil.
  • Allows even larger movements which result in a more efficient grip.
  • Keeps hands away from surface to avoid smudges.
  • Pivot the elbows on the edge of drawing or table if bigger movements are required.
Ideal For:
  • Freedom in movements for larger objects and lines.

Overhand Grip

03 | The Overhand Grip

How To :
  • Pencil is hold lightly against the fingers with the flat of the thumb. 
  • The actual hold depends on the proportions of your hand. We would need to to have a secure but relaxed grip on the pencil.
Ideal For:
  • Allows free expressive marking. We can either sit or stand to do so. This ensures that our arm has a full range of movement.

Underhand Grip

04 | The Underhand Grip

How To:
  • More relaxed way of holding writing grip.
  • This also depends on the comfort of each persons' hands.
Ideal For:
  • Casual, and broad sketching

My right is my dominant hand, illustration attached shows my comfort zone of holding the pencil. Therefore I'm not sure if the left uses the same. Please do share your comments in the below.
