Goodbye 2017 Hello 2018


We are now beckoning the year 2018. Before going ahead with new year resolution, I'm revisiting my 2017 resolutions.

  • Trying out new recipes and cooking sumptuous meals for family and hubby.  
  • Made a trip to Bangkok with hubby. 
  • Short visiting trip to Hubby's god mother at Kuantan, Pahang.
  • Hubby finally proposed to me and then I got married to hubby. 
  • Bought a Lego compatible R2D2 2207pcs block and put it up together with hubby in a single night.
  • Bought my very own EXPRESSO machine
  • Had our annual SunriseGarden friends trip to the Langkawi Islands with some pre wedding shots.
  • Finished 3x12ft diy floor tile mosaic art. Reason for doing it was that the renovator bail out on us.
  • Gotten a new Huawei Mate 10 for my Christmas present.

Well some goals are met but then again some are not. Here are some of the things I want to get it done. 
  • Crochet chinese new year red cloth
  • Crochet doll hat and dress for niece. 
  • To complete the Original LEGO Star Wars sets
  • Learn pencil and colored pencil sketching. 
  • Self learn guitar since it has been sitting for some time. 
  • Practice guzheng. Lying around as well. 

2018 New Year Resolution
Leaving 2017, and topping up the tons of goals from 2017. I would now set a lesser number of goals for this year.
  • Finish up my wedding photo shots and touch up. 
  • Paint the 3x12ft mosaic floor art. 
  • Maintain the homein good condition so that hubby doesn't mess it up again. 
  • Ukulele further learn up the next level of playing method and to teach my friend's little girl some basic Ukulele.
Think that's all for now. Let's keep our goals in track. 😘
