Japan Holidays (Day07-Day10_Osaka-Kyoto)

08 APR 2018 : Day#07 (Osaka-Kyoto)
  • Packed our stuffs and head to Kyoto. Before that, we stopped by Osaka Castle. It's a huge area to cover so spent about the whole morning entirely for Osaka Castle viewing. Had some Dorayaki and Takoyaki again 😋. Double yum~!
  • Bought our lunch at the station for eating in the train and departed for Kyoto. 
  • Reached Kyoto Station at about 2pm. By the time we managed to find the AB&B home, it's already the check-in time. 
  • Why it took us so long? Well lesson learnt, make sure you check both the website and the phone app that the attachments are correct. We found that the attachment for this case can be seen in web app and not in the phone app whereby the one in Osaka, both can be seen. I'm not sure what is the issue with it.
  • We settled down after we managed to get the place, Nice, clean dainty place by the Kamo River @ Kamiikesucho. Kyoto. Too bad the spring blossom is already over by a week. We were late. This is a nice place with a good manual guide prepared by the owner on what's nearby. (Laundry, eateries, do's and don'ts, busses and trains, and other whereabouts). Two bicycles are available for our use to go about. But make sure not to get it towed and only park at designated areas.
  • First place, Katsudon Gen. We cycled out to check on the bikes. It took us less than 5 minutes by the Kamo River path. Nice cosy restaurant which serves choices of Katsudons. Katsudon is pork cutlets with egg on rice with vegetables and condiments.
  • On our way back, we stopped by the FRESCO supermarket to pick up some bread and local Japan snacks 😋.

09 APR 2018 : Day#08  (Arashiyama, Kyoto)
  • We departed early to Arashiyama. Took the bicycles and ride on GPS to find our way there. We cycled for about 1.5hrs stopping in between at Family Marts to pack some Onigiri (Flavoured Rice Balls). This helps to boost our energy and a quick snack if you are unable to find anything in between your journey. 
  • First stop for the early morning, Bamboo Forest. For us to get a nice clear shot of the bamboo forest without other tourists in the background, we were there before 8am. There were already people there for bridal shots and some tourists were even earlier than us. We walked through the forest with our bikes and admire the tall standing bamboo forest. Stopping by in between taking some pictures and selfies.
  • At the end of the path, Mikami-jinja shrine, which is a way to pray for healthy hair and growth. You can opt to for the comb shaped talisman for blessings safe keep.
  • Giou-ji Temple is where the mossy forest is located around the Saganisonin area. Small area yet you can see how interesting there are with so many types of moss which we don't frequently see in our own country growing in the area.
  • After that we make our way to Saga Toriimoto  where the Old Kyoto Preserved Streets is located. It still amazes me how the olden days they have build the structure of their houses so sturdy that can last for earthquakes and rain and sun. Continuing towards the end of the path, there's the Otagi Nenbutsuji Temple. This is where thousands of stoneheads of all sorts of face expressions are being placed in the vicinity of the temple. After we're done, it started raining . So we had some short time in the temple visiting the art gallery. 
  • Once the rain turn to drizzle, we quickly make our way down. Yes. Its faster going down with a bike. Be extra careful as the slope is deep. Then made our way to Daikaku-ji Temple. The entrance ticket we have purchased was a two temple package. It was a huge place with a huge koi pond. The Koi fishes are huge too. I estimated the length to be at least 3 footer. I've never seen one so big.
  • Found our way to Arashiyama again using a different route. Stopped by the Kimono Forest for a quick bite as the rain got heavy again. Replenish our water supply. Yup. We were never hungry because we stopped by places and had their street food snacks that tickles our taste buds. Then we took a stroll at the Kodino Ooi. A small dam located on the Katsura River. 
  • On the way back, we stop by for toilet break. I was flabbergasted to see how awfully dirty and smelly it is. Then when I heard the few ladies talking, It was China Chinese and Malaysian Chinese. I was speechless and made my way out to find the next toilet stop. I just couldn't do it there. The urge just went off.
  • Did I tell u that I had toothache throughout the whole Japan trip? Well, it was bad. Started 2nd day after arrival. I had it fixed only few days prior to the trip and so didn't prepare for any medication. While on our way back to find a restaurant for dinner, I had to stop by a pharmacy for medication. It was so hard with all the Japanese words on the box. I had to go online to find which pain killer is suitable for toothache then search it around the isle. Product is BUFFERIN LUNA i <Click on link to take a look at the PDF details and information. Keep a copy during travel to Japan if you are suitable to use the medicine. At least it helps>. You would agree that Google is our friend. Just in case, I had it translated over the Google Translate on my phone using the camera over text function all around the box. Found "EFFECTS" then read on. "Pain relieving effect on menstrual pain, headache, back pain, pain due to stiff shoulders, muscle pain, joint pain, pain from bruising, pain from bone fractures, pain from sprains, TOOTHACHE, pain after tooth extraction, neuralgia, earache, pain from trauma and sore throat.". Yay~! I found it. Then of course all the precautions like allergies and any other medical conditions you are in before taking the medicine. It was really a fast relief after so many days passed. Well I'm not really into pain killers if it is still bearable.
  • Then we continue on our way back home stopping by some small food stalls and ate Yakitori. sorry couldn't remember the exact spot. I only saw a bunch of Japanese crowded to queue the stall so we join the crowd. 🤣
  • We had our fill then made our way back home and stopping by again at FRESCO supermarket to pick up more local Japan snacks for own consumption. No worries. The way I'm travelling walking and cycling, I swear I did not gain any weight only to lost some weight after that. 
10 APR 2018 : Day#09  (Higahiyama, Kyoto)
  • This next day I had a very bad butt ache which we stopped cycling. So we made our way to the Keihan Main Line which is just across the river from where we stayed. Made a short walk over, on with our way to Kiyomizu-Gojo stop. We to short walk up to the Kiyomizu-Dera entrance and walked around for some photography session. Well it was kind of disappointed as we just realised that the Kiyomizu-Dera will be on restoration works starting from spring all the way until the summer. If you see the bottom left picture, it's really covered up with only certain areas accessible to tourists.
  • After we are done with the Kiyomizu-Dera, we walked zig-zagged around Gion admiring the classic architecture in the narrow streets. Too bad that the Sakura is already out of season. All the places around gradually looked the same after a while. Except for the late bloomers. As usual we stopped by any other Family Mart for some lunch bites. There's always something mouth watering to buy for descent meals (BENTOS for the busy and working people). 
  • Finished our walks around the area by 4pm. We still have so much time thought of something random and searched for any nearby places. Some blogs recommended to visit the Nishiki Market. Google Maps says we will arrive via walking in 25mins. Then 25mins it is. We walked our way to Nishiki Market, in between stopped by Pokemon Gym and spins. Took a detour. We reached 1 hour later. From the Maps, we thought it a small area. Nishiki Market is actually a long and wide place of clothing, food, souvenirs, pharmacy, beauty shops, and etc.
  • We are hungry by then and started hunting for food. Legs are tired, so we randomly found a ramen shop and entered it without hesitation. Guess what. It's the ICHIRAN-RAMEN. After eating then only went and check for reviews. It was a best place to go for ramen lovers. You can pick your choices of flavoring, spiciness, and not to mention the extra free noodles if you are up for it. That was a filling place for dinner. We walked around again for some shopping time. Since it's almost nearing the end of trip, we should start already.

11 APR 2018 : Day#010  (Fushimi-Inari & Kinkaku-ji, Kyoto)
  • Woke up super early for Fushimi-Inari since it's a long distance to the place. We used the Keihan Main Line again until we reach the Fushimi-Inari stop. This is more of a mini hiking trip. We took the round all the way up to the peak 233 metres above sea level. The Fushimi is a Shinto religion shrine. Therefore please be respectful and follow the rules as you don't see people climbing up and sit on top of Mother Mary nor Jesus, statues in Chinese Temples or even in the Indian Temple we don't climb on top of the statues. The nearby rocks and stairs are not to be sat on. You only sit on provided proper benches and chairs. No shouting nor screaming. Just keep it peace and quiet. Took use 4 hours to complete the round. Of course, we were busy admiring the scenery and taking pictures.
  • We then went to JR Nara Line heading towards Kyoto Station. Then switch tracks to JR San-In Line arriving at Emmachi Station. We began walking from Emmachi Station and stopped by KFC. We couldn't find and Family Mart. So we ordered some usual 1 set each. The total bill came up to MYR80. Wow. This is the most expensive KFC I have eaten. I've tried so many places but this seems to be tasty and good comparing to the Malaysian version. Worth the price. At least I've tried. 😋
  • Then we continued our journey to Kinkaku-ji. This is where the Golden Temple resides. Well, it started to get cloudy so was not able to get a nice picture out of it. Entrance ticket looked like an amulet. From the looks of it is for safety and prosperity. It's not a real one. So you can keep it as a souvenir. Bad experience in Kinkaku-ji. Lots of China Tourists was there. I got elbowed by the same lady 3 times while taking pictures of the golden temple. She was busily shouting for her friends to follow here and elbow everyone around. That's what I saw. How rude~! 😠
  • Took an early leave and waited for the bus and stopped very near to where we stayed. Cool~ 
  • Since it's still early, we went for laundry since we are out of clothing. I don't really like to bring too much clothing for travels. While waiting for the laundry, we did some googling for dinner place. Found one sushi bar nearby so we decided to just go on with it.
  • After the laundry, we took the bikes out again. We cycled along the Kamo River, took an exit at the Sanjo Dori bridge and made our way there. While waiting, it started to rain again. This is a place with great consistency in food cooking. We had fresh sushi for dinner. It's really good that we don't even remembered to take any pictures of it. 😋
  • On our way back, it turn to a drizzle so we quickly cycled out. But in between, it gotten heavier and we had to stop by a porch. Then we quickly cycled again using the Kamo River path and reach home half wet. Luckily we already did our laundry so fresh clothes are available. 🙋
  • Packed up for the night and rested early for the next day.

Up next... hotsprings.

I'll be quite busy in preparing the pictures for uploading. Do stay tune to my FLICKR images upload. At the moment please enjoy the collage that I have compiled from my trip.
