Drawing 006 - Drawing in Proportions

We need accuracy and proportion in everything we draw. Measuring and comparing as frequent as possible for beginners. This will help to achieve a better accuracy.
There are few methods introduced:
1. Pencil and Thumb
Use method to gauge the subjects length or width. Stretch out the arm to full length to obtain the accuracy and consistency. Eyes to focus view as close as possible to shoulder. 🤔This should be similar to aiming using a rifle.

2. Vertical vs Horizontal Axes
This is to get the subject straight and aligned. Use a pocket level tool, plumb Bob or level using pencil. If drawing from a photo, ruler may be used for the measurement and alignment. If from a digital copy, use the picture editing tool to draw the lines on the picture.

3. Angles Checking
This is to check that all the available corners are at the correct angle. Use same method like pencil and thumb. Only that the measured angle would need to be slide over to sketch book. Sketch and measure several times to get the angle as close as possible.

4. Negative Space Observation
Use geometric shapes like squares, right angled triangles, and circles to assist with negative spaces in the scenes. 

Important Notes : 
Measure, Sketch Lightly, and Remeasure to achieve better results. 

Given 4 diagrams, A, B, C, and D. Draw a representation of each image base on what we have learnt so far.
I have put the print out side by side my drawing for comparison.
My findings, I still need improvement. Let's further continue with the lessons and see what I can achieve later on.
