Drawing 008 - Working on 1 and 2 points Linear Perspective

Purpose of this is to achieve a 3D on a 2D surface.

Nope. I don't get it.

What does it mean?
Okay I'll be following the examples from the rapidfireart.com to make this note.

😭 New terminology that I need to digest.

Horizon Line
This is the eye level line or an imaginary line that represents the furthest point of the scene. It is also the height of the viewer's eye (object below horizon line = looking down on the object and vice versa). So I should say that objects below horizon line are on the floor level and objects above horizon line are in the sky above. 🤔

Vanishing Point(s) 
Points where parallel lines converge and disappear or orthogonal lines meet.

😢 What does it mean?

Orthogonal Lines
Imaginary diagonal lines parallel to the ground plane that converge to vanishing points. 😱

Transversal Lines
Lines parallel to picture plane. Connects orthogonal lines at right angle that gives the object a height and width. 😰

Let's draw it out and label them. See if I can get it right. 

Here's the step by step on Drawing using 1 point perspective
In this example lesson, we are to draw a sea aquarium viewing room with people in it.
This is my completed task following the lesson from RapidFireArt
  1. Draw Horizon Line and mark the Vanishing Point lightly but visible.
  2. Draw the Viewing Room
    • Begin by drawing the rectangle for the wall that is facing us directly. The vanishing line should be inside the rectangle. If vanishing point is outside it means we are viewing from outside.
    • Draw orthogonal lines by joining the vanishing point to each of the rectangle's 4 corners. Draw past the rectangle to the outer areas.
    • Draw the solid lines to complete the remaining two parallel walls on the left and right. You will also have the ceiling and the floor.
  3. Add Details 
    • Since that this is a sea aquarium viewing room, add a underwater viewing glass window by drawing 2 orthogonal lines joining from vanishing point towards the left wall.
    • Once size of the window is defined, draw the window frame with solid lines. phew~! this is taxing...
    • Add whatever sea animals in the tank.
  4. Add People
    • Draw the first person on the right most of the picture. Define where it's going to stand and the height. Draw a pair of orthogonal lines to define it. Top line is the ceiling edge and bottom line is the floor edge. The line should be below the ceiling edge and floor edge. If it is too near the ceiling line, it will mean the person is as tall as the ceiling. If the line is too near the floor line, the person will look like it is a poster on the wall. Draw the vertical transversal line to define the location of the person standing. Draw the structure of the first person.
    • Draw the second person standing along the same orthogonal line as first person. Draw the transversal line to determine where second person is going to stand. Assuming the height and body has same proportion as the first person. Draw two orthogonal lines from first person's chin and the waist to the vanishing point. Draw the structure of the second person.
    • Draw the third person on the left most of the room. Assuming the height and body has same proportion as the second person. Draw the horizontal line from second person's head and feet to the far left of the room. Draw the transversal line to determine where third person is going to stand. Draw the structure of the third person.
    • Draw the fourth person standing in the middle of the room. Draw the transversal line in the middle of first and second person. Use same method as third person, draw two horizontal line joining the transversal line to the middle of the room. Draw the transversal line to determine where fourth person is going to stand. Draw the structure of the fourth person.
Yay~! Now we are done... No wait. This is for 1 point perspective. I still need to complete for 2 point perspective. Oh maaann...

Here's the step by step on Drawing using 2 point perspective
In this example lesson, we are to draw an outdoor city with people.
  1. Draw Horizon Line and mark two Vanishing Points lightly but visible. Make sure that both the vanishing points are well apart.
  2. Draw First Structure
    • Begin by drawing a small vertical line between vanishing points below the horizon line. The length of the line will determine the structure's height. This would be the transversal line. Draw 2 sets of orthogonal lines from the transversal line to each of the vanishing point.
    • Continue to form the structure by adding transversal lines between the set of orthogonal lines. Now we are able to see the 3 edges of the structure. Draw the additional 2 sets of orthogonal lines for both the transversal lines created. 
    • From the orthogonal lines above, we are able to see the depth of the structure, define the structure by using the orthogonal lines created. Draw the solid lines to define the shape.
  3. Draw Second Structure
    • The second structure will be located somewhere behind the first structure at a distance.
    • Use the same steps as in #2 to define the second structure.
  4. Add People
    • Draw a vertical line to determine the typical height of a person. Use the vertical line to draw the orthogonal lines to the 2 vanishing points.
    • Use the method in 1 point perspective to draw a few people walking along the orthogonal lines from above. 
    • Use additional vertical lines in between the first vertical lines and vanishing points to determine the other distance of people walking around.
Okay... After going through this lesson, one mistake that I've done in previous sketch is that I have used 100% of the sketchbook page causing insufficient space for identifying the perspective. I'll try adjusting in the following assignment session. 

Assignment time~! I'm always looking forward to the assignments. It has always left me with awe upon completing one.
Find a room in our house (yikes~! it's in a mess.) or an outdoor space with buildings, structures and/or people and draw it using linear perspective (okay~! I'll do this).

I'm attaching together with the actual picture of the sketch. Almost there but not quite satisfactory though. Took me quite some time to do it.
