Cooking - Salted Butter Popcorn

Was shopping around the RM2 shop and found them selling 500grams of corn kernels. Brought back memories of mom making her attempt to pop us some popcorns which most of the time it tasted burnt. So i googled some tips on popping up popcorn without getting it burnt. I've always gotten the salted popcorn at the cinemas instead of the caramelized ones. So this is my attempt and notes on it. I will use the pan toss motion to give it a good stir. 


Ingredients :
Corn Kernels
Popcorn Oil (grapeseed) or Butter
Salt (table salt / Rock salt, etc.) 

Popcorn pot / sauce pan. 

Steps :
1. Depending on the size of pot you are using. Melt about 30gms of butter over the stove. 
2. Throw in few kernels to test the heat when you feel that it is hot enough.
3. When the few kernels pops, pour in the kernels just enough to cover one layer at the base of the pot. Over layers may cause unpopped kernels or half done kernels. 
4. Cover with the pot lid and wait for it to completely popped. Run the stirrer if you are using the popcorn pot. I used the saucepan so I have a transparent lid for me to check. 
5. Once the kernels completely popped, remove from heat and toss with salt. How much salt? To your preference. Most of it will fall to the bottom anyway.
Then you are done. 

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