MCO - Phase3

MCO - Phase III

Yes. Just as the title mentioned, it's already MCO Phase III and I am already working from home more than 1 month. And no I did not post anything for MCO during Phase 1 and Phase 2. Well a lot things have happened since the implementation of movement restrictions. I'm okay with it as long as I am safe. That is what stay safe from the COVID-19 pandemic influenza is all about right?
Since that I've been on a restricted movement order by both the Government and also The Company, this is what I have restricted my movement to. 
  1. STAY HOME ZONE : Of course this is the safest zone and still within our own controlled area. We are able to maintain the sensitization within the vicinity of our own homes.
  2. PARTIAL SAFE ZONE : This is where it is already outsize of our main door, but within our condominium blocks. Why I called it partial safe zone is that these areas are accessible by other tenants. We can't confirm where the neighbors went during the past days nor if they have gone to any social gathering that may pose a threat. In this case, masks would be needed already. 
  3. SOCIAL DISTANCING ZONE : This is the COMMON PUBLIC accessible zone. I limit the amount of visits to this area as little as possible. There's a high chance of a POSITIVE person may be visiting the area as us during the same time. After visit to these areas, I would return home and immediately wash hands, take full shower and clothes to be washed. Items from shopping will be cleansed / wiped with dish washing detergent. That is the most that I can do since that most types of sanitizers are hard to purchase during this season. 
  4. There's also the NO ENTRY ZONE ⛔where areas are closed for our access. As for The Company is still subject to the The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) approval.
