Watercolour 001 - Back to Basics


Well cross referencing between several media, I have decided to start with this. Right down from basics. Let's begin with the following...



Different types of brush tips and materials can be used for different techniques. There are rounds and flat tips. Round brushes are conical at the tip to help in painting fine points. Flat brushes on the other hand have wide and straight flat tipped. All the brushes are typically numbered from small with lower number to big with higher number.
Materials made for brushes will yield different painting washes as well.  Typically there's synthetic fibre and bristle types (horse, boar, goat, saber, squirrel, etc. hair) available. When I tried the synthetic fibre, it has better control on painting but since it is harder and synthetic, it dries up faster and couldn't hold in the pigments compared to the bristle. But then again it can help in achieving different washes. 


Holding brushes at a different angle and applying different pressure with the brush creates variety of strokes.

Example painting with an upright brush vs paint with a slanted brush vs paint with low brush by applying a certain pressure.

This trial I've made here is to test on the different brushes and trial on different angles. So I still couldn't decide if I have done it right.


To create an attractive painting, planning of colours is a must.

I used the bristle and painted it. So it gets watery and seeped.
Should have waited for it to dry. 

Well you can still google it. It is everywhere. 

Back to basic of PRIMARY and SECONDARY colours. We learnt from school that the PRIMARY colours is RED, YELLOW, and BLUE. When it is mixed to each other, it results in the SECONDARY colours, which is the ORANGE (RED+YELLOW), PURPLE (BLUE+RED), and GREEN (YELLOW+BLUE). Colours located between the PRIMARY and SECONDARY colours are the intermediate colours.


Test out the pigment that I have to see which mixes of colours create granulation. As per mentioned in my previous post, I only have the PENTEL ARTS WATER COLOURS (24 Vivid Colours).
I have painted all the colors in stripes of horizontal lines and vertical lines for this observation purposes.

Guessed I overkill with the water. Looks messy... Observed that the color mixes are quite okay for this. Not really sure of the grains appear because of paper or that I was rubbing it with an eraser earlier on. Will need to do an update again once I really mastered the  skills and change to acid free watercolour paper. 

Stay tune. I'm going to start a new adventure~! 😘

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