Watercolour 005 - Painting Fruits

Here I am painting the fruits based on the tutorials which I have followed. This is a practice lesson for myself. Also as a stress relieve during this MCO period. I have googled up a picture which I think I am able to do it.

Here are the progressive work that I have taken to complete the painting. 

#1 : Sketch the cluster of fruits to be painted using a hard pencil (H, 2H, 3H, etc) to get a light sketches. Else erase it as light as possible. Yes... Very light. See my sketch, it is almost invisible. 
#2 : Paint the base colour of each of the fruit. Use light tones. Just a rough area of where each of the fruits are. 
#3 : Begin painting each fruit one by one together with the shades and reflections. Paint those located far apart to avoid seeping into each other or you can also wait for it to be fully dried before painting the one next to it. 
#3a : Here I have started with the 2 red apples, 1 of 2 peaches, 1 of 3 pomegranates, and 1 of 2 oranges. 
#3b : Then I painted the 1 of 2 green apples and some of the black grapes. Additionally, I have also touch up the prune, peach, and orange. Still not satisfied with the orange though. 
#3c : I have completed the black grapes, watermelon (right at the back), bananas, peaches, remaining pomegranates, and the prune looking fruit (let's call it prune then). This time, I've managed to figure out what to do with the orange. I have cast shadows and painted the halved pomegranate so it looks as though it is on top of the orange.
#3d : I have only completed the green apples. Additionally touch up the prune so that it doesn't look too flat. Oh yes. I've also drawn some lines on the pineapple to prep the work before painting it. 
#3e : Took me awhile to figure out how to get the green grapes painted up as I couldn't get the colours right. Then I started the pear and pineapple. Of course the pineapple still doesn't look right. I've also made some minor touch ups to some fruits. Namely the prunes again and a little bit here and there. 

#3f : Took me awhile to figure out how to get the pineapple painted right. Still looks weird though. Also that I've changed my phone and the colour have also slightly changed as well.
#3g : Finally, I've made all the finishing touches. Here's my final piece.

Notes / Lesson Learnt :

  1. Always start with all objects that is of lighter colour. Then move on gradually to a darker colour. When there's mistake, then you're still able to correct it when painting the darker colours.
  2. If you are a right hander, work the piece from left to right would be less messy and vice versa for left hander.

Last but not least, it has nothing to do with the painting but the stress relieve which I mentioned earlier on during this MCO period. You can read about it in this post.
